Wednesday 20 June 2007

Section 7: Describing my neighbourhood

Section 7 is the largest part of your coursework and is your chance to show that you can collect, present and understand information about your neighbourhood. You should split this section into:

a) Describing my neighbourhood
Some general information about your neighbourhood using data you have collected from surveys. You should be aiming to include information from at least 3 of these – types of houses, age of houses, litter, vandalism, noise pollution, traffic problems, environmental quality etc.

b) Testing my hypotheses
For each of your hypotheses you should show what evidence you have collected and explain what this shows about your neighbourhood. Finally, have you shown your hypothesis to be true or false (it is fine to say that it was wrong!)

Make sure this section is well structured, with sub-headings and thorough explanations of all graphs, photographs etc. You should include a range of data such as maps, graphs, tables, photographs etc. The more data the merrier – as long as you explain it thoroughly!! There are some examples of how you could present this work on the G drive – in Geog coursework folder called ‘Student work’.

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